The Cool Down

Like so many Australians, we’ve experienced the impacts of climate change first-hand.

But at the moment, if climate action was the footy season, Australia isn’t winning the premiership, we're not even making finals.


Scientists are clear we need to at least halve our emissions by 2030 and get to net-zero before 2050. Together we can get Australia to the top of the climate action ladder and safeguard the country we love.

That’s why AFLP4CA partnered with FrontRunners on The Cool Down - an open letter from professional athletes to Australia. With over 460 athletes from 40+ sports, we had 180+ current and former AFL players sign up to call for greater climate ambition.


You can join The Cool Down today and add your voice to ours, letting our leaders know we want to safeguard the future of the planet, and the future of sport.